What Does IXPRL Stand For? Everything To Know About IXPRL


Do you want to know what IXPRL is and its full form? It is an acronym used for many things, most importantly a personality type. We look at the IXPRL personality, and other uses of this acronym to give you a better understanding.

What Is The Full-Form of IXPRL

IXPRL has many things and meanings related to it. However, there is a standard meaning of IXPRL that gets used worldwide the most.

IXPRL stands for Inquisitive, Xenial, Proficient, Relaxed, Lucky. According to Princeton University, IXPRL means lucky, inquisitive, and competent. These are adjectives that describe various people with certain personalities. In simpler words, the most common use for this acronym is for a personality type.

Below we look in detail at this personality type, and the other uses this acronym has.

IXPRL Personality

The IXPRL personality type is for people who are lively and have a non-serious attitude to life. They are optimistic about everything and often live in their dream world without losing the actual reality. These IXPRL people are great at listening and normally make friends without a problem.

Overall this personality type is for people who love to socialize and are totally carefree. They love to have family and friends around them but at the same time observe everyone and everything around them. Moreover, they are empathetic, sensitive and at times, they take action without giving it an ounce of thought. They hate to be alone.

IXPRL people love to learn new things and develop their skills continuously. Moreover, unlike the IZPRL personality type, they are extremely good listeners.

This personality type is easy to adjust to, and those with this personality are generally curious, open-minded, and have an overall sociable culture.

As you can see IXPRL personality type is for people who are just into living life to the fullest with people around them while learning, being observant, and being good listeners. Could you imagine having a person with this personality type be your friend, wouldn’t that be great?

What makes IXPRL People Unique?

IXPRL people are unique, as they have all the personality traits, you would want in a person who is your friend, colleague, or just generally in your team. The people with this personality have the following traits:

  • Good listeners
  • A relaxed nature
  • Carefree attitude to life
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Take criticism well and not personally
  • Great at linking with people
  • Have various skills
  • Are extremely talented
  • They have focused goals they work towards

Now imagine, a person with all these amazing traits, wouldn’t that make the person unique, as it is extremely hard to find someone with all these traits. It’s not impossible because IXPRL is a trait type, which means there are people in the world who have this personality type. Are you one of those people, or do you know someone who has this personality type?

Other Uses of This IXPRL

As we mentioned in the starting, IXPRL has various other uses and meanings. Let us look at its other uses.

  • IXPRL is also a form used for a type of IXPR open source license. An IXPR is a database system for proprietary. This license links to the OSI modifier license standard. The fact is, the IXPRL license is much more flexible than the proprietary traditional one.
  • There is a format called iXPRL, allowing computers to produce a combined financial statement for the investors to easily understand. Moreover, it makes it easy to check the data. Many companies have used this iXPRL format to provide an individual report for HMRC and Companies House. This format allows separate systems to combine and create one single report. It can also combine many applications like payroll and bookkeeping with other operations of the business.
  • There is an information exchange standard that is IXBRL. This standard provides human readers with machine-readable data. xHTML enables it. You would know, xHTML is the web page standard. This helps to add a machine-readable layer of metadata on top of the HTML, which is traditional. Most webpages nowadays use xHTML, with IXBRL files secure XBL tags in a line between the primary text and colors. Moreover, iXBRL is something humans can also read.
  • SEC uses a financial statement format called iXPRL. This format is much similar to the XBRL. The goal of this financial statement format is to present data in the more standardized format available. It helps to give transparency regarding the data. There are a few differences between the iXPRL format and the XBRL format. The latter is a better kind of format when it comes to financial statements. If you cannot read HTML, then you will not be able to read iXBRL.
  • The standard when it comes to presenting financial data in XBRL. It is not like HTML, as it is compatible with other formats of files. Companies can use the iXPRL format to ensure the reports they have for their investors are transparent. Public companies also use IXBRL. For anyone wanting to increase the effectiveness of their SRC fillings should use iXPRL for their financial reporting.

Final words:

IXPRL is a universally used acronym for a personality type. The people who have this personality type are overall curious, xenial with a positive outlook on life. If you happen to meet someone with this personality type, you will love these people and their company as they are a joy to be with. Moreover, these people are curious, want to know about everything with a relaxed, free nature as they do not worry what others think about them.

Furthermore, you can see IXPRL is an acronym that gets used for other things like the financial format, licenses, and so on. If you are talking to someone who uses this acronym, you will know what meaning they are referring to as you would know who you are talking to. For example, if you talk to an accountant, you will know he is referring to the iXPRL financial statement format and so on.

We hope this clears all confusion you might have had regarding the IXPRL full form. If you have any other questions, do comment below.

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Edgar Allan
Edgar Allanhttps://entrepreneurbuzz.co.uk
Edgar Allan is an accomplished writer and expert in the field of small business, finance, and marketing. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for helping entrepreneurs succeed, Edgar is dedicated to sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience to empower individuals and businesses.

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