Overcoming Delivery Vehicle Accidents By Improving Company Culture


The safety of delivery workers declined during and after the pandemic, but things are now becoming normal again. Only in the UK, around 2000 people are gravely injured due to delivery accidents, and 70 are killed. Most of the time, cars turn over, and pedestrians are hit by these vehicles or objects falling from them.

Unfortunately, the lack of cooperation between the suppliers, carriers, and recipients is triggering accidents that waste time and money. Most importantly, workers are injured on site, and their compensation or sick leave rights are ignored.

There’s a core problem in delivery companies that attracts ethical and moral challenges. Most of their employees are underpaid and overworked, while profits are surging. Amazon drivers, for example, have protested for a long time regarding unfair labor practices, while the company is known as the most successful in the world. The discrepancy is a matter of company culture, a trend that needs to change.

Why do delivery accidents happen?

With traffic congestion becoming a global issue, road accidents are increasingly common. What was once primarily associated with larger cities has now extended to smaller communities, including rural areas. With a tremendous increase in vehicles per family, the trend will increase, and no amount of roads will face the expanding traffic.

Still, other controllable factors of accidents are included. For example, companies must provide adequate driver training or rely on employees with driver licenses. But commercial drivers must be trained regarding facing difficult weather conditions, for example, while driving a heavy carrier.

Some businesses also ignore frequent vehicle maintenance, contributing to more accidents. On top of doing this, companies are incentivizing drivers who can reach their destinations faster than the norm to increase their profits.

Unfortunately, all these aspects leading to accidents and serious injuries are usually ignored because reaching justice is complex. However, drivers involved in an accident caused by the company’s duty breach can claim compensation, according to https://www.accidentclaims.co.uk/personal-injury-compensation/car-accident-claims.

How should companies improve their delivery system while prioritizing drivers?

The problem with wanting high profits and low investments keeps going in numerous sectors as a way for entrepreneurs to maximize their incomes. While this mindset has expanded, the truth is that there’s no way for a company to become global and successful without breaching the law in such a short time. Accidents would be close to zero if companies consider their employees’ health more often and create proper work environments and rules.

It all stands in the company’s culture. If the organization believes workers are the core of their success, they will strive to provide them with new and well-maintained vehicles. At the same time, they would impose realistic time frames for delivering and getting products while allowing them to have lunch and breaks to remain efficient during the work day. Employees who don’t have time to eat, go to the restroom, and rest will only get weaker physically and more stressed, leading to more than accidents.

Vehicles need safety devices.

Traffic aggressiveness has surged in recent decades due to speeding, distractions, and road architecture. And fatalities are rising, especially in bigger cities, such as Los Angeles, where 302 people died in traffic crashes in 2022, with a 5% surge compared to the previous year. However, the city tries to enable better practices and policies, and violence in traffic can’t be stopped, which is why drivers must be protected with innovative devices.

Delivery drivers shouldn’t leave the company site without the following:

  • Dash cameras that record the road so the driver has evidence in case of a road accident;
  • Warning whips that are mounted during obstructing weather conditions so that the car is visible to all road participants;
  • First aid kit to rapidly assess any moderate injuries for the driver or other participants;
  • Lifting straps for the driver to avoid carrying heavy products;
  • A portable tool kit to fix minor issues;
  • A reliable navigation app that helps better manage stops and has hand-free navigation features;

Besides safety devices like the ones provided by technology experts at Traffic Angel, drivers need to be trained to use them and be efficient in any circumstance. Of course, training shouldn’t be offered only at the beginning of someone’s job, but rather continuously to tackle any unexpected event.

Drivers must be hired based on their driving style, but it’s not always the case.

Each driver has a different driving style, which can be more or less aggressive. Managers might fear that people driving slower might not get all the products in time, so they choose those who can arrive as fast as possible from one place to another.

Therefore, sometimes it would be wiser to choose people who can control their driving and avoid speeding unnecessarily or running red lights. Engaging in reckless behavior doesn’t consistently yield favorable results. Although it can help safeguard others on the road, there are situations beyond our control, such as aggressive driving. Combined with vehicle defects, poor weather conditions, and road conditions, it will 100% lead to something unpleasant.

Still, managers shouldn’t make this choice whenever they hire a driver. While some have a specific driving style, others can temper it after the training session. If the company wants to keep a valuable driver, they can make efforts to polish their skills and teach them to be more aware of their surroundings.

A good driver has all the technical and safety skills up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations, an aspect that the organization should improve to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the company’s values.

What are 4 factors that contribute to a culture of safety?

A safety culture in any organization is essential for the well-being of its members. Four key factors that contribute to a culture of safety are:

  1. Leadership Commitment: Strong leadership commitment to safety is paramount. When leaders prioritize safety, it sets the tone for the entire organization. Leaders should demonstrate a commitment to safety through their actions, decisions, and policies.
  2. Employee Involvement: Involving employees in safety initiatives fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility. We should motivate our employees to report any potential hazards they come across, actively engage in safety training sessions, and share their insights regarding safety policies.
  3. Effective Communication: Open and effective communication is vital for safety. Open and straightforward communication regarding safety protocols, potential hazards, and any occurrences guarantees that everyone remains well-informed and capable of taking the necessary measures.
  4. Continuous Training and Learning: Regular safety training and learning opportunities ensure that employees know the latest safety practices and can adapt to changing conditions. Ongoing education helps prevent complacency and maintains a focus on safety.

Bottom line

Delivery businesses need to prioritize their workers’ safety more often because accidents have frequently increased due to more violent driving. At the same time, traffic trends changed compared to a few decades ago. We need to put in place new strategies to safeguard our drivers’ well-being on the job and to prevent our company from incurring financial losses due to compensation claims and post-accident vehicle repairs.

Edgar Allan
Edgar Allanhttps://entrepreneurbuzz.co.uk
Edgar Allan is an accomplished writer and expert in the field of small business, finance, and marketing. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for helping entrepreneurs succeed, Edgar is dedicated to sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience to empower individuals and businesses.

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