Do You Want A Promotion? Bring Your A Game


Do you wish to get a promotion you deserve but are struggling? Many things got put on hold, and businesses chose to focus on their continuity. It makes it hard for you to know when the promotion will happen unless you do something more.

Now the question is, how can you push for a new role without becoming insensitive to the top priority of your employer (i.e. ensuring the sales come in)?

In this business blog post, we view some strategies you can adopt to further your career.

Let’s start with what you can control right from the start—your state of mind.


You might have heard: what you ask for is what you get. One can argue, there are many things you get depending on us mainly. The way to get the next role is by setting a goal and achieving it.

Your mindset- your beliefs, what you are ready to do, the actions you are prepared to take on to get what you want- help to decide at the end where your career goes.

So, your promotion might be waiting for you to ready yourself for success, but with the right mindset.

Begin early

The sooner you begin honing your beliefs set, the better it is for you. For example, the top achievers, whether it’s academic, arts, or sports, have a goal set and understand what they need to aim for, helping them get what they deserve from the beginning.

Do you know that a 13-year-old at the Tokyo Olympics 2020 took the very first street skateboard gold medal?

Most high-achievers begin training for their career before they even get a job. A good habit is learning how to stay put, study, and be consistent in everything you do from as early on as you can. It is never late to start working on yourself.

Start by setting a goal. Set goals for a day, week, month, or year and achieve them. It will help you not only feel better about yourself but become a high achiever.


You should give a read to the article “how to get promoted in 3 steps, written by Inc.’s CEO, Jim Scklecksher. He understands a few things about reading a high position and everything it takes. The three steps in his article include:

  • Doing your job well
  • Bringing something more
  • Preparing someone to do your role

Current role

The first step is ‘doing your job well.’ Now, our thought is that as soon as you get a job, take control and give it everything you can.

You should know and understand exactly what the role requires you to do. When you do that, you will satisfy your employer and business.

So, how do you know if you are doing well in your job role or not? Get feedback from everyone, your colleagues, employer, managers, etc. If you are in the department where you deal with customers, ask them to give you feedback, rate you, and let you know where you need to improve.

Something More

You have to bring something more to your role to outshine your colleagues.

Think innovatively, outside the box about new ways to get your job done while saving money and time. Furthermore, think holistically regarding what other areas you can make a difference in apart from your role. You can always try to take on more work but do so without falling to the ground yourself. When you want a promotion, you cannot risk burnout or a mental breakdown!

For example, think of ways your employer can get more customers or how they can improve the reputation of their business, even if it’s not your thing.

Ensure you are healthy, physically and mentally. Take part, in any event, your employer organizes as it gets you the extra recognition needed with your employer to bag a promotion. You can choose an event that helps you mentally and physically.

Take part in a charity event and connect with your followers through your social media platform about the fundraising event.

Get donations and on the day of the event, wear something that includes the business brand you work for. Share on social media. It is a type of marketing that will impress your employer, giving you vital merit points and bringing you closer to your promotion.


When you plan to move from the role you are currently at, ensure you prepare someone else to take it without costing time and resources for your employer.

You can prepare anyone as your replacement and let your employer know there is a replacement in place for when you move on.

Create A New Role

Mostly, a promotion requires you to take someone else’s job who will have to move upwards so you can also. This can be the reason for promotion delays at times. Consequently, sometimes, the best option for you would be to create a new role. Show your employer’s the skills and value you have by creating a new job role that will make your employer’s job easier.

However, if there is no new role for you, then you should consider getting a better role with another employer.

In Summary

Promotion is not only about money. However, let’s be honest, who would not want the extra cash? You get the satisfaction of acknowledgment and appreciation when you get promoted to a higher level.

So, how do you beat your colleagues to get the all-important promotion?

You have to know what you want and how you can get it. This will begin with you honing your mindset. Remember performance is everything. Ensure you are doing well in your current role, giving it something more. If there is no promotion available, create a new role, or search for a better one with some other employer.

Edgar Allan
Edgar Allan
Edgar Allan is an accomplished writer and expert in the field of small business, finance, and marketing. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for helping entrepreneurs succeed, Edgar is dedicated to sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience to empower individuals and businesses.

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